Laurel School Site Council
About School Site Council
Laurel's School Site Council meetings are open to all of Laurel's parent, staff, and community members. Any member of the community or public may address the Council during meetings on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council. Your interest and participation are welcomed.
The School Site Council is composed of parents, students, and staff who play an important role in Laurel School.
The SSC's responsibilities include:
- Annually monitor, review, and approve the Laurel School Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
- Recommend the approved SPSA to the Menlo Park City School District governing board.
- Review the effectiveness of improvement strategies at Laurel.
- Create, review, and revise Laurel improvement strategies, goals, and expenditures.
- Take any other action required by California Education Code.
The SSC is composed of:
- The Principals
- Members from different grade levels/specialities representing certificated teaching staff
- Members of the non-teaching staff
- Parents and/or members of the community
- Parent/Community members are normally recruited by the current parent members for the following year, then approved by the PTO. Ideally, the Site Council should involve parents from the entire cross section of the student body; including all socio-economic, ethnic, and program groups. If more parents apply than available spots, a school-wide election will be held to determine the parent members.
All Meetings are Open to the Public
Meeting Dates and Zoom links can be found on the Laurel Family Calendar -- All Meetings Begin at 3:30 unless otherwise noted.
Aug |
Introductions, Review and Approve Emergency Plan |
Sept |
Review Year End Data - Discuss Goals and Actions for School Site Plan |
Sept |
Review and Approve SPSA |
Dec/Jan |
Revise School Specific Questions for Panorama School Survey |
March |
Analyze Results of School Specific Questions on School Survey |
April |
District Wide Site Council Training |