About the PTO
Who we are
The Laurel PTO is a parent-volunteer organization that plays a vital role in supporting and enriching our students' academic curriculum and social development opportunities.
What we do
We provide programs and services that support the students and staff of Laurel school through the PTO's Five C's: Curriculum enrichment, Classroom enrichment, Campus needs, Community building, and Communications.
When we meet (Please join us!)
We meet as an Executive Board once per month. PTO members may attend these meetings with prior notification and may not vote at these meetings.
We meet as a General Membership twice per year. All PTO members are invited and encouraged to attend both meetings. We usually have someone from the District to present district-level changes, as well as State of Laurel School addresses. Voting members vote on such things as, the annual budget at the Fall General Membership Meeting, the upcoming year's executive board member slate at the Spring meeting, and any special item that may be up for vote (e.g., changes to bylaws or standing rules, current board changes, etc.).
What governing rules and budget we follow
Governing Rules:
Budget: Approved Budget
Financial Forms for Deposits and Check Requests/Reimbursement