Back-to-School Checklist
Plan for the first day of school
- Start those bedtime routines a bit earlier in the days leading up to school, so that your child is well-rested.
- Laurel teachers (with the support of the Laurel PTO) provide all the necessary classroom supplies for every student.
- Decide how your child will commute to school and practice the trip before school starts. Click here for information.
- Please label all items. Things can get lost or misplaced easily.
Children in all grades:
- Must wear shoes with backs (no flip flops or slides) please.
- Bring a large backpack big enough to fit an 8 1/2 x 11 folder;
- a snack to eat at morning recess; and
- lunch - either sign up for Hot Lunch in advance or send along a lunchbox/brown bag labeled with your child's name.
Laurel teachers (with the support of the Laurel PTO) provide all the necessary classroom supplies for every student.
- At the Lower Campus (grades TK-2),
- students in transitional kindergarten and kindergarten assemble at the kindergarten playground.
- students in grades 1 & 2 play in the Main Yard.
- At the Upper Campus (grades 3-5), students play in the Main Yard.
- When the bell rings, students are to "Freeze, hands on knees!"
- Then the morning yard duty blows a whistle twice, and students go to their classrooms.
Attend the Back to School Coffee
Parents are invited to the Back-to-School Coffee on the first day of school to catch up with friends, sign up to volunteer, and meet our After-School Program vendors at both Lower and Upper Campus from 8:30 - 9:30 AM.